Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I get my dog started with daycare/boarding?
Getting started with us is easy. First, download, print and fill out an application available on our website. Then send the completed application back to us at Please make sure to include proof that your dog’s vaccinations are up to date with the application
Which vaccinations are required for my dog to daycare/board with Doggie Works?
We require your pup to be up to date on the following vaccinations:
1. Bordertella
2. Parvo (Canine Parvoviros)
3. Distemper
4. Leptospirosis
5. Rabies
6. Annual Fecal Exam
How much does it cost for Doggie Works to take care of my dog?
Our rates are as follows:
Daycare | One Dog | Each Additional Dog |
One Day | $35 | $23 |
M-F Monthly Package | $460 | $360 |
10 Day Play Pass | $300 | $230 |
Boarding | One Dog | Each Additional Dog |
Private Suite | $57 per day | $30 per day |
Lux Suite | $70 Per day | $35 per day |
We also offer a lounge hound bath which we can give to your dog at the end of their stay. A lounge hound bath is $30 per dog and available by request.
How many dogs does Doggie Works take care of on a daily basis?
We take care of anywhere from 5 to 30 dogs per day here at Doggie Works.
What are the drop off and pick up times for my dog for daycare?
Drop-off starts at 7 am Monday through Friday and 9 am on Saturday and Sunday. The latest you can pick up your pup is 7pm Monday through Friday and 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.
What are the drop off and pick up times for my dog for boarding?
Drop off and pick up times are the same for daycare and boarding.
My dog isn’t good with other dogs, can you accommodate that?
Yes! The staff at Doggie Works has a great deal of experience taking care of pups that don’t get along with other dogs.
What grooming services do you offer?
We have a full service groom shop that is by appointment only.
Is there someone at the facility 24 hours a day?
My dog takes medication, are you able to accommodate that?
Yes! We take care of a number of pups that need meds given to them.
My dog has specific dietary requirements, are you able to accommodate that?
What other size and breed of dogs will my dog be playing/spending time with?
We place the dogs we take care of in one of three playgroups. Each playgroup is based on overall size and temperament.
What kind of exercise/play will my dog get if he/she daycares with you or boards with you?
The level of play your pup will get will really depend on which other dogs are in the building on any given day, and how much your pup wants to run around and play.
Do you take dogs on walks?
We do not currently take any dogs in our care on walks.
If I board my dog, can I bring blankets, toys and treats for them?
Yes! Any blankets or toys you bring will be placed in your dog’s private suite and made available to your dog and your dog only.
Where do the dogs stay at night?
Our boarding dogs stay in our kennel room where they have separate suites to stretch out and sleep in.
Where do the dogs go to the bathroom?
We are a strictly indoor facility, so the dogs we take care of do their business inside. But don’t worry, our staff is constantly on watch to clean up any mess that’s made. Cleanliness is one of our top priorities!
Do you offer any discounts for multiple dogs?
Yes! Contact us for more information.
Do you offer any discounts for police/fire/veterans?
Yes! We offer a 20% discount for all services for first responders and veterans.
Do you have a way to update me on how my dog is doing during their stay?
Yes! You can call us anytime at (773) 697-7339 for an update on your dog.